Listen, Serve, Grow!

My name is Melissa Muschick and I am running for Nevada City Council- Ward 2.

The Special Election is scheduled on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025.

I’m asking for your vote and here is why!

Early voting starts FEBRUARY 12th. Click to learn more

Why am I Running?

I’m running for City Council because I love this community and want to help it prosper.

I’m passionate about giving back and making Nevada a place where families and businesses thrive. As a fresh voice with no political obligations, I work with everyone, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, who wants to roll up their sleeves and get things done.

With over a decade of leadership and financial management experience in multi-million-dollar companies, I bring stability and knowledge to help guide Nevada’s future.

As a parent, community leader, and City Council member, I’m committed to smart growth while preserving our small-town values.

I want to improve communication with our residents to rebuild trust. When people lack information, they naturally fill in the gaps themselves. Being clear about the "what" and "why" behind decisions and events will go a long way in addressing concerns and restoring confidence.

I’ve visited many communities for my job, and many are envious of the collaboration happening in Nevada. We need to ensure that lack of information doesn’t overshadow our community’s strengths.

I want everyone to be proud to be a Nevadian!!

Early voting starts FEBRUARY 12th!

My Top Priorities

My goal is to LISTEN to to you, my constituents! These priorities reflect what you’ve told me matters most.

Expanding Affordable Housing

Increasing housing availability to meet the demand for single-family homes, apartments, and multi-family units while preserving the current neighborhoods. With the growth in our industry partners, we need to be able to house them here in Nevada.

  • Nevada is growing, and we need more housing options to keep up with demand.

  • We must ensure quality development while preserving our neighborhoods.

  • Our industrial growth means more workers, let’s make sure they can live here, not commute elsewhere.

Enhancing Childcare Access

Expanding childcare options to support working families an reduce financial strain. If we want to attract families we need to be able to support their needs.

  • Families struggle to find affordable, quality childcare. We must do better.

  • I support initiatives that increase capacity and attract providers to Nevada.

  • Affordable childcare isn’t just a family issue, it’s an economic issue that impacts our workforce.

Modernizing Aged Infrastructure

Modernizing sewer systems, roads, and utilities, starting with the older parts of town, while creating a clear capital improvement plan accessible to residents.

  • We need to prioritize and plan for sewer, road, and utility upgrades, especially in older parts of town.

  • I am pushing for clear, transparent capital improvement plans that residents can easily access.

  • Smart infrastructure investments will save money long-term and improve quality of life.

Tell me what is important to you. Send me a message, I’m here it LISTEN.

About Me

I’m Melissa, and I’m proud to call Nevada my hometown! My family and I moved here when I was 15 and I graduated from Nevada High School in 2003. From the moment I arrived, the kindness and sense of belonging I felt made a lasting impression on me.

My husband, Justin (a 2002 Nevada High School graduate) and I have lived in our home in Nevada for almost 20 years now.

We have two teenagers that we are raising and I’m thankful that they get to experience growing up in Nevada.

With a degree in accounting and years of experience managing multi-million-dollar budgets, I understand the importance of financial responsibility. I will ensure every taxpayer dollar is spent wisely, focusing on real solutions, not costly mandates.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much
— Helen Keller

Focused on Real Solutions

It’s easy to want everything, but in the end, it’s your tax dollars funding our city. I will prioritize improvements without burdening families already dealing with rising costs.

Let’s work together to keep Nevada a thriving, welcoming place to live!

Expanding affordable housing

Enhancing childcare access

Improving transparency & communication

Investing in infrastructure

Supporting economic development

Ensuring responsible spending

Let’s work together.

If you are interested in supporting me, there are many ways! You can put a sign in your yard, volunteer with my campaign, or even donate if you want.

Regardless if I’m your candidate- Get out and VOTE! Your voice needs to be heard.